ENSA Chair – Call for Nominations

The European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA) is seeking an individual to serve as its next chair* - replacing the outgoing chair, Henrik Rønnow of EPFL.

Candidates from the UK are invited to express their interest via e-mail, contacting either ENSA’s UK delegate, David Barlow, (david.barlow@manchester.ac.uk) or else the newly-appointed ENSA vice-chair, Stefano Deledda (Stefano.deledda@ife.no).

In September 2023, candidates will be asked to confirm their interest and will then be invited to send a motivational letter and curriculum vitae. In their motivational letter, candidates should address the following issues:

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to present to the ENSA committee in November 2023, and the successful candidate appointed following election by the committee members.

* The role of ENSA chair is not honorary and requires some time commitment. The successful candidate will ideally having internal (institution/facility) resources to ensure fulfilment of this commitment.