ENSA Chair – Call for Nominations
General ·The European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA) is seeking an individual to serve as its next chair* - replacing the outgoing chair, Henrik Rønnow of EPFL.
Candidates from the UK are invited to express their interest via e-mail, contacting either ENSA’s UK delegate, David Barlow, (david.barlow@manchester.ac.uk) or else the newly-appointed ENSA vice-chair, Stefano Deledda (Stefano.deledda@ife.no).
In September 2023, candidates will be asked to confirm their interest and will then be invited to send a motivational letter and curriculum vitae. In their motivational letter, candidates should address the following issues:
- Promotion and consolidation of ENSA’s relationship with other associations, such as LENS, ESUO
- The uncertain future of the European neutron landscape (e.g., the ILL shut down, emergence of compact neutron sources)
- The shift in funding policies from topic/technique-centred themes to those based around societal challenges
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to present to the ENSA committee in November 2023, and the successful candidate appointed following election by the committee members.
* The role of ENSA chair is not honorary and requires some time commitment. The successful candidate will ideally having internal (institution/facility) resources to ensure fulfilment of this commitment.